Cross country teams competed at the District Meet this morning. JH teams will compete later today.
Braxton is a Regional Qualifier!
Go Chiefs!
Reminder for tomorrow: Monday, October 9, 2023 will be a school holiday. Classes will resume as normal Tuesday October 10, 2023.
Flu shots and more at Crosbyton CISD Health Fair.
Crosbyton CISD would like to announce as part of our new safety and security initiative, our new visitor/student check in and out system! We are partnering with Securly Visitor to use ipad kiosks to check in visitors and keep our students safe! Please be sure when you come to sign your student in or out that you bring your driver's license and have the phone number you registered with handy in case the system sends you a code after scanning your license. Thank you!
Monday, October 9, 2023 will be a school holiday. Classes will resume as normal Tuesday October 10, 2023.
Do you have an amazing picture you took at a sports event that you would like to see in the yearbook! We would love for you to share it with us! Just follow the directions below!
Third Grade students in Mr. Tavera's clss work together to learn about gravity while making hypotheses about force and motion.
Crosbyton Elementary Little Braves Newsletter
Band contest information:
Our Chieftain Sound performed their show Warriors of Renown this morning in Denver City at the Tumbleweed Marching Festival. Their next contest is next Saturday in Lubbock.
Congratulations to our Elementary Principal's Cabinet!
All the students did an amazing job with their speeches today.
We celebrated awesome attendance at the secondary campus today.
All student who had perfect attendance were put into a drawing for a set of Apple AirPods . The winner of the Apple AirPods was Henry Sandoval.
In addition all students who had awesome attendance (only one absence) got treated to a sundae.
Thank you parents for having your children at school everyday!
PTO Meeting today at 5:00PM at the Elementary.
Fall Sports/Band/Cheer Photos have been passed out today! Please check with your student to make sure they made it home safely.
Come and Enjoy the Seniors Class of 2024 Haunted House! Please Share with friends! We want to make sure this is the best one yet!!!
Tumbleweed marching festival is this Saturday!
CCISD has a great staff! They are so excited about starting the 2nd six weeks of school and continuing to embrace the school vision!
Student Holiday Monday: