almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
We hope you all have a safe and restful Spring Break. See you back on March 22nd!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Spring Break
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
CCISD Spring Break is March 15th-19th
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Spring Break
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Beginning Wednesday, March 10, 2021, Crosbyton CISD will follow the Governor’s Executive Order GA-34 which rescinds the mask mandate for all Texans. Crosbyton CISD encourages all members of the school community to continue to wear a face covering, but the choice to wear a mask can be made by each staff member, or student’s family. It is imperative to remain vigilant in monitoring symptoms related to COVID-19 and self-quarantine if symptoms appear. Crosbyton CISD reserves the ability to reinstate the mask mandate for students and staff if there is an increase in COVID-19 cases in the school community.
almost 4 years ago, Shawn Mason
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
There will be a community performance of our One Act Play tonight at 7:00 pm in the HS auditorium. **Mask are required
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Positive Thought
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Thank You
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Positive Thought
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Always Walk
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu