Crosbyton CISD is proud to announce that Mrs. Denise Ford will be our new Business Manager starting in July. Congratulations Mrs. Ford! Mr. Gary Hardin will be retiring in June. Thank you Mr. Hardin for your dedication to CCISD.
almost 4 years ago, David Rodriguez
D. Ford
The cost for tonight's playoff baseball game in Levelland is $3 for students and $5 for adults. Good Luck, Chiefs!!!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Crosbyton CISD is proud to announce that Mr. Rene Villegas will be our new Secondary Principal next school year. Congratulations Mr. Villegas!
almost 4 years ago, David Rodriguez
R. Villegas
Congratulations to Sophomore Piper Daugherty on being crowned Miss Crosbyton 2021 and 7th grader Kynzee Cornelius on being crowned Jr. Miss Crosbyton 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Corrected post! Crosbyton NHS Induction Ceremony will be held in the HS Auditorium Monday, May 3rd at 7:00 p.m. with a reception following in the Conference Center.
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Playoff Information CHS Chiefettes will play Borden County in Post tomorrow, May 1st at 3:00 p.m. CHS Chiefs will play O'Donnell in Levelland Friday, May 7th at 6:30 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Crosbyton NHS Induction Ceremony will be held in the HS Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. with a reception following in the Conference Center.
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Spring Band Concert 6PM in HS Gym tonight!
almost 4 years ago, Julie Harrington
concert setup
Thank you Dr. Hamman and the Texas Tech College of Education staff for your continued support of our Grow Your Own Teachers program. Crosbyton CISD continues to be among the leaders in the state in developing teachers for rural school districts.
almost 4 years ago, Shawn Mason
Tech Teach Across Rural Texas
Mr Jack Terry from TTU worked with Chieftain Jazz Ensemble on Monday. Spring Concert is Thursday at 6PM in HS Gym!
almost 4 years ago, Julie Harrington
Congratulations to Scout Braly! She placed 2nd in the 3200m Run and has secured a spot at the State Track Meet! Chieftain Nation is proud of you, Scout! 💜💛
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Drum Major
We had several athletes compete at the District 5 & 6 1A Area Track & Field Meet in Post yesterday and proudly represented CCISD. Congratulations to all of our athletes and their coaches for advancing to the Regional Track Meet.
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
The Chieftain Baseball game scheduled for today against Springlake-Earth has been moved to Lockney at 7:00 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
Chieftain Quote of the Day!
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
CS Lewis
Chieftain Quote of the Day
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
almost 4 years ago, Ashley Cantu
During STAAR testing today, April 6th, the platform through which the online test is administered experienced technical difficulties, and the online testing for the day was canceled by the Texas Education Agency. This shutdown was statewide, and not controlled by the district. This effected our 7th grade writing students, and our students taking the English Language Arts I test. The 4th grade students taking the STAAR writing test were able to complete their test since it was a paper and pencil test. Students who were testing online will be rescheduled, and allowed to complete their test. We are currently planning on the test resuming tomorrow, April 7th. Please encourage your students to remain positive and focused on their testing. We will continue to monitor this situation, and provide updates if new information is made available. As always, we appreciate your support of our students.
almost 4 years ago, Shawn Mason