Please join the Crosbyton CISD Board as they welcome our new superintendent, David Rodriguez and his family to Crosbyton. A reception will be held Wednesday, April 7th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the CISD Conference Center. Refreshments will be served.

The following students advanced to the Regional UIL Academic Meet that will be held at LCU on April 17th.
Cassandra Gonzales 3rd Feature Writing
Nathaniel Payen 3rd Ready Writing
Bayleigh Callaway 2nd News Writing
Dillian Ramirez 3rd News Writing
Morgan Palacios 3rd Prose Interpretation
Jay Savedra 1st Poetry Interpretation
Raelea Blevins 2nd Poetry Interpretation
Manuel Carranza 2nd Science
Malisce Davis 1st Literary Criticism
Nathaniel Payen 3rd Literary Criticism
Katie Dunn 4th Literary Criticism
Literary Team Placed 1st
Aaron Cantu 3rd Computer Science
Congratulations to you all!!


We hope you all have a safe and restful Spring Break.
See you back on March 22nd!

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Chieftain Quote of the Day

CCISD Spring Break is March 15th-19th

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Beginning Wednesday, March 10, 2021, Crosbyton CISD will follow the Governor’s Executive Order GA-34 which rescinds the mask mandate for all Texans. Crosbyton CISD encourages all members of the school community to continue to wear a face covering, but the choice to wear a mask can be made by each staff member, or student’s family. It is imperative to remain vigilant in monitoring symptoms related to COVID-19 and self-quarantine if symptoms appear.
Crosbyton CISD reserves the ability to reinstate the mask mandate for students and staff if there is an increase in COVID-19 cases in the school community.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

There will be a community performance of our One Act Play tonight at 7:00 pm in the HS auditorium.
**Mask are required

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Chieftain Quote of the Day