Congratulations to Thalia Guerrero for surpassing 1,000 points! Pictured with Thalia are former Head Coach Mario Luna and current Head Coach Cris Dimitroff.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Here's what's happening this week at Crosbyton Secondary.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

What has 2020 taught you?

COVID-19 may have stopped us from our Christmas-In-The-Barn Tradition, but it won't stop us from sharing our talented musicians! Merry Christmas from the band programs of Crosbyton CISD.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Please find Basketball Guidelines from New Deal ISD in the link below.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Congratulations Trace!

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Congratulations to members of the Chieftain Sound!

Dear Elementary Parents/Guardians,
This years Christmas program will be pre-recorded and posted on our elementary school Facebook page on Friday the 18th.
Thank you,
Mr. Villegas

Chieftain Quote of the Day

The last day of instruction for the first semester is on Friday. School will dismiss at 3:38 pm.
Staff will return to school on Monday, January 4, 2021, for a staff development day.
Students will return for Face-to-Face instruction on Tuesday, January 5, 2021.

Here's what's happening this week at Crosbyton Secondary.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Crosbyton CISD will now offer COVID-19 Rapid Testing to all employees and students. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Thomas.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Thank You Nurse Thomas!