Due to the potential for additional snow/ice and poor driving conditions, all Crosbyton CISD campus start times will be delayed until 10:00 am tomorrow morning (Wednesday, October 28). A decision on buses running will be made in the morning. Faculty and Staff are asked to report to their campus Wednesday morning by 9:30 am to prepare for students' arrival.
We will continue to monitor the weather and road conditions over night and tomorrow morning. If there are any additional changes, parents will receive a text message from the District and we will post information to our social media pages and website at www.crosbyton.k12.tx.us.

Due to the current hazardous weather conditions, all CCISD Schools and Offices will be closed today. An update will be given later this evening regarding school for Wednesday.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Crosbyton CISD will have a delayed start for Tuesday, October 27th. Classes will begin at 10:00 am. A decision to run school busses will be made tomorrow morning.
All Faculty and Staff will need to report by 9:30 am.

As we continue to monitor the weather, we have a few reminders we want to share:
- In the event of a weather delay or cancellation, Crosbyton CISD will communicate the changes through a callout to parents and posts to the website and social media pages. We’ll also let our local media partners know so they can share the information on the news.
- What is a DELAY? In the event there is a delay, students would start school two hours later then their usual start time. Buses would also run two hours late on pavement only.
- What is a CANCELLATION? In the event of a cancellation, there would be no face-to-face or virtual instruction, and students and staff would have the day off. Crosbyton CISD Administration plans well in advance for bad weather days, and we have extra time built into the school calendar for days such as these. This means we would not activate remote learning for the bad weather days. This would allow our teachers to remain home, and parents would not have to worry about remote learning.
Please keep an eye out for updates. Once a decision has been made by the District, we will push out additional information.

Picture Day will be on Monday, November 2nd.

The CMS Football game scheduled for tomorrow against Ralls will now be played on Thursday, October 29th at 5:00 pm.

The Varsity District Cross Country Meet has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 29th at 10:00 a.m. in Lamesa due to the forecasted weather conditions and potential hazardous travel that is being predicted.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Congratulations to the Chieftain Sound for their Division 1 rating at the Region 16 Marching Band Contest.

Students will be allowed to wear their Halloween Costumes to school next Friday. Below is a link to our Dress Code for Halloween Costumes. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your campus principal.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

FFA Fundraiser money is due tomorrow.

Chieftain Nation,
Due to COVID-19, we've had to cancel our football games against Hamlin and Ralls. We are currently working to reschedule our last football game against Roscoe. Our heartfelt prayers are with those in Chieftain Nation that have been impacted by COVID-19.
Educationally Yours,
Hector O. Dominguez, Jr.

Chieftain Quote of the Day

For those elementary students that have been on the 14 day quarantine. Return date for both Pre-K and kindergarten classes will be Oct. 29th.
Can't wait to have you all back, school is not the same without you here!!
Mr. Villegas

Chieftain Quote of the Day

Elementary parents/guardians:
Breakfast is served between 7:30 - 7:55
Lunch is served between 10:45 - 11:45
Thank you,
Mr. Villegas

Information regarding our game this Wednesday at Hamlin. Tickets will not be available at the gate.

Elementary school parents/guardians.
If your child is in quarantine and you would like for them to have breakfast and lunch, please drive up to the back of the cafeteria and we will bring those meals out to you.
Thank you,
Mr. Villegas