Chieftain Quote Of The Day
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
The Chieftain Sound Band Boosters are selling yard signs for $20. You can pick them up on Tuesday from Efrain Gonzalez or Latisha Palacios. Please support your Chieftain Sound.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Quote Of The Day
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Below is a link to our Dress Code for the 2020 - 2021 Academic Year. For the success of our students, please ensure that students come to school in Dress Code each day. If you have any questions about the Dress Code, please do not hesitate to reach out to your campus principal.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Below is a link to the 2020 Crosbyton Football Schedule! #GoChiefs
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Nation, Crosbyton CISD will be hosting two informational meetings for parents and students about our new remote learning program. If you selected remote instruction as your learning preference for this year, we ask that you attend one of these two meetings where we will discuss what you should expect going forward. Remote instruction will come with many new demands on teachers, students, and parents this year compared to what we experienced last spring. Our hope is to explain this information clearly, and to answer all your questions, so that you can make the most informed decision possible for you and your student. The meeting dates/times are as follows: Friday, August 14th at 10:00 am or Monday, August 17th at 6:00 pm. All meetings will take place in the High School Auditorium. Masks will be required and social distancing will be observed at both meetings. While we would encourage you to attend in person if at all possible due to the importance of the information being shared, a Zoom meeting link can also be shared. Should you have any questions, please contact Hector Dominguez at
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
All livestock exhibitors need to plan on meeting at 6pm Monday August 17th at the Ag Shop. We will be filling out all the entry paperwork needed for the FAIRS. Masks are required. We will have another meeting for major shows at a later date.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Today we welcome back our AMAZING Staffulty back! It’s been a long 5 months! Don’t forget to wear your mask.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Nation! Crosbyton CISD is happy to introduce Anna Sanchez as our new Secondary School Librarian.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Nation! Crosbyton CISD is excited to introduce Rene Villegas as our new Elementary School Principal.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
We’re currently installing hand sanitizing stations throughout all of our buildings. We’ve also received a large shipment of masks for students. Our teachers will also be disinfecting their classrooms during every passing period.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Thank you to members of the Crosby County Sheriffs Department for spending time in our district today meeting with our District Administrators . We appreciate your partnership in keeping everyone in Crosbyton CISD safe.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Crosbyton Secondary Schools Schedule Pickup and Meet the Teacher: Friday, August 14. Last Name A-M: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Last Name N-Z: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm We thank you in advance for understanding the importance of social distancing and thank you for your patience in having to do schedule pickup "different" for this school year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Dominguez at 675-7331. #GoChiefs
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Crosbyton Elementary will have it's open house on Thursday, August 13 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Please make not of the times and grade levels in meeting your child's teacher. We ask that you wear a face covering when meeting teachers and staff and then asking if you would exit the building in a short timely manner. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Pre-K 5:00 pm - 5:20 pm Kindergarten 5:20 pm - 5:40 pm 1st Grade 5:40 pm - 6:00 pm 2nd Grade 6:00 pm - 6:20 pm 3rd Grade 6:20 pm - 6:40 pm 4th Grade 6:40 pm - 7:00 pm 5th Grade 6:40 pm - 7:00 pm If you have any questions, please contact the Elementary School Office at 675-7331.
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Quote of the Day
over 4 years ago, Hector Dominguez
Crosbyton CISD is taking applications for a building custodian. Applications are available in the Superintendent’s office located at 204 S. Harrison, or call 806-675-7331 for more information.
over 4 years ago, Shawn Mason