When school resumes on August 17th, Crosbyton CISD will be offering a variety of instructional options
for our students and families. Students will have the option to attend classes in our buildings, or
remotely from their homes. Remote instruction will be online only, no paper packets will be sent home.
Below is a brief summary of options that will be offered. We are working on the details of each option
and will have a final plan in place prior to the start of school. Starting August 10th, we will be contacting
families to ask each student to commit to in-class or remote instruction. If a student chooses remote
instruction he/she will be required to stay in that placement until the end of the first six-week grading
period. Students may enter remote instruction at any time; however, they can only return to in-class
instruction at the end of a grading period.
Crosbyton CISD is also developing new Safety and Cleaning Guidelines for the students that will be
attending classes in our buildings. These guidelines are being developed to prevent the virus from
entering the school, respond to lab confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the school, and mitigate the
likelihood of COVID-19 spreading inside the school. Once finalized, these guidelines will be released the
first week in August.
Instructional Options
On Campus Instruction
• In school classrooms
• Follow all enhanced safety guidelines and procedures
• Daily health checks
• Eligible for all extracurricular activities
• 90% Attendance rule is in effect
Remote Instruction – Two Options
Synchronous Instruction
• Realtime remote instruct in each class period via Zoom
• Assignments posted to Google Classroom
Asynchronous Instruction
• Instruction delivered through video, phone, or Zoom
• Assignments posted to Google Classroom
Both remote plans will require:
• 100% on-line learning at home
• Reliable internet
• Daily attendance and assignments. Day will mirror the on-campus school day
• No extracurricular activities or school events
• 90% attendance rule in effect

ALL students will need to have up to date vaccinations to be able to attend school for the 2020-2021 school year regardless of in class or remote learning.
Please do not wait until the last minute. If you have any questions about your child’s vaccinations, please do not hesitate to contact Nurse Thomas at 675-7331 ext. 1222.

We are excited to announce we will be starting summer workouts tomorrow, July 13th at 6:30 pm. Please be aware that you will be required to wear a mask while checking in and leaving the workouts.

Summer workouts will resume on Monday, July 13. Here is the Cross Country workout schedule.

Chieftain Nation,
This is our official 2020-2021 Academic Calendar. We will start school on Monday, August 17th. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your campus principal. #GoChiefs

Crosbyton families, UIL has just released new guidance for our summer practices including requirements for face coverings.
All staff, parents, visitors, and students age ten and older must wear a face covering when entering and exiting facilities or practice areas where UIL activities are being conducted and when they're not actively exercising or practicing.
This means Crosbyton students participating in our summer UIL activities must have a face covering when we resume practices and workouts on Monday, July 13. This includes athletics, band, and cheer.
You can read more about the new UIL requirements here: https://www.uiltexas.org/covid-19-information

Crosbyton CISD would like to recognize our Alumni that are on the frontline during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Charles “Beaver” and Diann Wallace are graduates of CHS and currently serve as a Paramedic and EMT in Crosbyton. Thank you, Charles and Diann, for your service. #GoChiefs

Chieftain Nation,
Know a Crosbyton High School alum serving as a first responder, emergency or medical worker during the #COVID19 pandemic? We’d love to recognize them! With their permission, send us a photo with their name, position, and year of graduation to coronavirus@crosbyton.k12.tx.us.
Hector Dominguez

Crosbyton CISD would like to recognize our Alumni that are on the frontline during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Scottie Reed is a 1993 graduate of CHS and currently serves as an EMT in Crosbyton and Lamesa. Thank you, Scottie, for your service. #GoChiefs

Crosbyton CISD would like to recognize our Alumni that are on the frontline during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Keeley Cornelius is a 2016 graduate of CHS and currently serves as an RN at Covenant Children’s in Lubbock. Thank you, Keeley, for your service. #GoChiefs

Happy Independence Day from Crosbyton CISD. #GoChiefs

Crosbyton CISD would like to recognize our Alumni that are on the frontline during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
April Granado is a 2000 graduate of CHS and currently serves as a Family Nurse Practitioner in Lubbock. Thank you, April, for your service. #GoChiefs

Know a Crosbyton High School alum serving as a first responder, emergency or medical worker during the #COVID19 pandemic? We’d love to recognize them! With their permission, send us a photo with their name, position, and year of graduation to coronavirus@crosbyton.k12.tx.us.

In anticipation of the July 4 holiday and the potential for increased social interactions that could spread COVID-19, Crosbyton CISD will be closing summer workouts, rehearsals, and practices between July 3 - July12, resuming Monday, July 13.
Crosbyton CISD will continue to work with state officials and monitor CDC and other federal guidance.

Crosbyton CISD is planning to have students and staff return to school buildings in August. However, we know that a portion of our families may have concerns about returning to school due to COVID-19.
We are continuing to receive guidance from the Texas Education Agency regarding virtual schooling. The requirements for virtual school are significantly more demanding on students daily participation and completion of work at home, as compared to this past spring. Based on these new requirements, we have started discussions about how we will prepare for school and at home instruction.
Once we learn more about the options for starting school in August, we will communicate our plans to all the stakeholders at Crosbyton CISD.

Summer Cross Country Workouts from Coach Dimitroff.

All students who are actively participating in livestock shows and students 9+ who are possibly interested in livestock shows please fill out the form in the link below. Validations are coming up as well as Fair season (fingers crossed)! This will help Ms. Barbee out with getting you all the information needed for your projects!

All incoming freshmen and current high school students, please fill out the form in the link below regarding next year’s ag and shop classes! This is very important for Ms. Barbee to get a jump start on next school years activities and potential FFA participation.

Chieftain Nation! Help us welcome Dominic Pina to Crosbyton CISD. He will be teaching Business at CHS and will be a Girls Assistant Coach. Coach Pina recently graduated from Angelo State University. #GoChiefs

Chieftain Nation! Help us welcome Felisha Acebedo to Crosbyton CISD. She will be an Instructional Aide at the Secondary Schools. #GoChiefs