I want to give a HUGE SHOUTOUT to our students. Not one piece of trash was left in the student section. I truly appreciate the way that each of you cleaned up after yourselves. Thank you for setting such a GREAT example!
-Hector Dominguez
Chieftain Quote Of The Day
Professor Emeritus and former Director of the Goin Band From Raiderland, Keith Bearden spent some time working with the Chieftain Sound.
Smoke Signal
Click on the link below to see what's happening this week at Crosbyton Secondary.
This was a great week for our students. We thank you for all of your positive support and encouraging words for our students! #TheyDeserveIt #Culturize
Congratulations to Chris Torres who placed 1st and Elijah Vega-Lopez who placed 3rd in their respective classes at their first ever powerlifting meet.
Two outstanding musicians at the All Region Band Concert in Lubbock.
CHS Business Professionals of America in action today.
Crosbyton and Lorenzo fans that were at last nights game.
A wallet was found in our parking lot last night. If you have realized that you lost yours, you can see Mr. Dominguez, CHS Principal at 8:00 am on Monday at the HS Office.
Congratulations to our Varsity Boys for their victory over Lorenzo. 3-0 in District!
Congratulations to our JV Boys for their victory over New Deal.
Celebrating AWESOMENESS congratulations Mr. CAMERON
JONES, Principal of the Day 1-24-2020
Chieftain Quote Of The Day
Secondary Students and Teachers along with Elementary Teachers participated in a Stop The Bleed attaining today. Thank You to our Nurse for setting this training up.
Schedule Update for Friday, 1/24:
JV Boys will play at 4:00 pm followed by the JV Girls
Chieftain Quote of the Day
The School Board Meeting for January 23, 2020 has been canceled. A new date will be scheduled in early February.
Chieftain Quote of the Day
Congratulations to our Varsity Boys for their victory at Petersburg.
Congratulations to our Varsity Girls for their win at Petersburg!